I can’t find the data model for ServiceNow.
Visualize your data
ServiceNow platform upgrades are a nightmare.
Stop wasting time
My project teams are on different pages.
Enhance team efficiency

How it works

erm4sn is the easy, effective way for you to view and analyze your ServiceNow data model. Our application connects with your ServiceNow instances to provide you with a clear visual overview, so you can work smarter and more efficiently. Browse the data model, compare changes and pinpoint compatibility issues: with erm4sn, you can get the most out of ServiceNow.

All Features

Features for all needs.

Understand ServiceNow.
Data Density Filter

Data Density Filter

Table structure, inheritance and relationships

Table structure, inheritance and relationships

<p class=mb-0>Application scope dimension</p><br>

Application scope dimension

UML Entity Relationship Diagrams

UML Entity Relationship Diagrams

Table distribution

Table distribution

Column deviation

Column deviation

Table column change history

Table column change history

Platform upgrade

Platform upgrade

Consistency check

Consistency check

Instance comparison

Instance comparison

All Features
I am amazed by the amount of time my team can save with erm4sn. What used to take days, now only takes minutes. It pulls all the complex and hidden information from the depths of ServiceNow and puts it into an easily readable and understandable form.
erm4sn is an important companion in our work at Swisscom with ServiceNow. There is no faster way, to get an in-depth picture of how ServiceNow works and how the dots are connected. And the instance comparison feature is outstanding!

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